The services on are provided by:
BEBEE PLATFORM SL. A company incorporated in Madrid (Spain)
Registration No. / VAT ID: ESB84471838
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Feel free to get in touch with us via e-mail using our Customer Support Profile on beBee:
Tips on how to use beBee are also available in our customer support profile
This website is operated by:
beBee Platform SL,C/ Gran Vía 46, Planta 16. Madrid 28013 (Spain)
Banks and investors should use the following contact:
Javier Cámara & Rafael García
Chair of the Board: Juan Imaz
Registration Number / VAT ID no.:
Despite careful content control we do not accept responsibility for any externally provided content or for the contents of linked sites which are the responsibility of their own operators.
What are our values?

Maximum coincidence between users who share the same tastes, interests and personal and professional experiences.

Companies, users and entrepreneurs can have the opportunity to achieve their next goals successfully.

We promote the union, connection and collaboration among users so that the effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects.

We seek to share and exchange with people what is truly relevant to each one of us, perpetuating trust and respect.
beBee is developing the Project Affinity Algorithm based on machine learning. The main objective of the project is to research and develop a new social network paradigm in which, thanks to the intelligence of the new algorithms designed, which will be based on machine learning, an optimal platform for the analysis of user affinity is achieved. This project is being funded by the Multiregional Operational Program for Intelligent Growth (EU, FEDER/CDTI).
Intelligent online content management platform to improve the reach and impact of media in the tourism sector
The main objective of the project is to research and develop a new social network paradigm in which, thanks to the intelligence of the new algorithms designed based on machine learning, an optimal platform for the analysis of user affinity is achieved. This project is being funded by the Multiregional Operational Program for Intelligent Growth (EU, FEDER/CDTI).
Social Intelligence for the dynamization of employability (beEMP)
The main objective of the beEmp project is to develop an advanced analysis and communication system based on social computing and Big Data technologies, for the knowledge of the employability of people and the intelligent identification of their corresponding talent. All this with the aim of creating an ecosystem that facilitates the dynamization in the search for employment and early detection of talent, thus promoting cooperation between the business world and the world of education.
This project, with reference number RTC-2016-5642-6, has been co-funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2013 - 2016.